About Me

New Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Name: Todd Russo Location: New Hartford, CT, USA

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 1, The Actual Restoration has Started!!

Today, the main objective was to place the windshield wiper apparatus into the car. But, as I found out, my workshop was no where near ready to perform any operations. I spent a good deal of the day downstairs organizing parts which were scattered everywhere (although, I thought I was organized), and cleaning. As far as actual restoration...
I wanted these parts...
to go here.
...and here up underneath.

But I had two minor set backs. I did not like the look of the gear box. It looked too grungy. I decided to mask it off and prime it even though I really wanted to just install it. My pride told me to "do it the right way."
As I was waiting for it to dry, I had to search for the chrome cones that go outside the wheel boxes. I recently polished them up but cannot remember where I put them. For kicks, I at least put the apparatus in place to see if it fit. You can see the wheel boxes above the vent slots and the arm coming into the engine compartment. And it does...
Now I have two things I need; the chrome cones, and this grommet. As you can see this one is in terrible condition as it is crumbling and rusty. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement?

The good news is that the gear box looks excellent! I like the patina on the unpainted parts contrasting with the paint.

And the other good news is that I sent my wiring harness to British Wiring in Bally, PA. to get refurbished. Josh has been very good to deal with so far. 
 I know it does not seem like I got too much accomplished yesterday but I really did. I will probably need another good day without interruption to get everything in good shape...and to hopefully find the missing chrome cones.
Thank you for visiting!

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