three months of life getting in the way, my great friend and bandmate, Mik,
came to help me get the doors aligned and set. Mik plays drums and I play bass…we
are the rhythm section. And boy, did we get into a nice rhythm when we worked
on the doors!
The doors
were only hung on the car and not lined up or even secured properly.
needed total adjustment and fitting.
When it comes to working on cars, Mik knows what he is doing. We made a good team. He held the doors
while I turned the screwdriver.
We opened and
closed the passenger door only three times before both of us were pleased with
the gap evenness and how the body line flowed smoothly.
The driver’s
door was more of a challenge. We had to shim the bottom hinge 3/16ths
of an inch before it was correct.
After two hours, we decided to call it quits for the
day. The best part of the day…the blue tape is gone!!
But there
are some scuffs that need to be addressed along with other minor issues which will be taken care of after she is drivable.
Now that
the doors are finally set, I can work on getting the latches in place. But the
doors do not close because of the width of the rubber seal, which will have to
be removed and then reinstalled after the latches are set.
This is
the last item on the list that needs to be done before I can take her on her
maiden voyage!!
School is
on summer break so I hope to get more work done next weekend.
Thanks for visiting.