To make a long story short, I had to re-order a new carpet kit from another source. I am not happy with the treatment (if you can call it that) I received from the first place. Thank goodness there was no money lost, just time. Therefore as I wait (probably another three or four weeks for it to arrive from the UK), I continued working on the interior.
I received a request to post a picture of the new trunk (boot) side panels that were cut out of Masonite. Here is what they first looked like.
After they were painted a light gray like the original color, they were installed in place.
Notice the three screws that secure them to the side wall. Yes, I know I will have to do a bit of touch up where they got scraped.
I decided to just go ahead and carpet the trunk (boot) floor. We went to Home Depot and got a nice medium gray indoor/outdoor piece. It is not original but at least it is much better than the original fabric!!
Looks nice! I like the contrast of the light sides and medium gray carpet.
The trunk/boot compartment is almost done!! Just need to install the new rear seat backing panel.
As I was still poking around in my cellar I found the original carpet stay strips which get screwed into the door sill. The top one needs to be replaced but the bottom one is good.
And I also found the battery cables and solenoid/starter cable. They came from the parts car and are way too long…obvious replacements.
I also took the back cushion of the rear seat to the upholstery shop to have it restored. It will take about a week for them to redo it. Meanwhile, I will keep plugging along this week.
Thanks for visiting.